- Associate Professor
- Automatic Control and Systems
- IUT - University of Poitiers
- regis.ouvrard@univ-poitiers.fr
- +33 (0)549453512
Lecture Activity
- Industrial data processing
- Microprocessor, microcontroller, PLC
- Fieldbuses (ASi, CAN, Industrial Ethernet, FIP, ...)
- Supervision
Research Activity
- Continuous-time system identification
- Nonlinear system identification
- Estimation of physical parameters
- Partial moments
- Output error algorithms
- Initialization of output error algorithms for global convergence
- Partial differential equations with variable parameters
- Population dynamics models
- Population dynamics - Impact of agriculture and climate change on wildlife
- Water treatment - Optimizing pollution control processes
- Aquifer modeling - Pollution impact assessment and polluter location
- Heat exchangers - Energy efficiency and fouling detection
- Modeling for multi-terminal HVDC networks - Integration of wind power through an HVDC network
- Measuring energy fluid consumption - Low-cost sensors for energy audits
- www: /perso/regisouvrard