- Thierry POINOT
- thierry.poinot@univ-poitiers.fr
- +33 5 49 45 35 12
Deputy Director
- Emmanuel GROLLEAU
- grolleau@ensma.fr
- +33 5 49 49 80 69
Team facilitators
Automatic Control and Systems
- Olivier BACHELIER Sébastien CAUET
- olivier.bachelier@univ-poitiers.fr sebastien.cauet@univ-poitiers.fr
- +33 5 49 45 36 79 +33 5 46 45 34 00
Data Engineering
- allel.hadjali@ensma.fr
- +33 5 49 49 80 60
Real-Time and Embedded Systems
- Frédéric RIDOUARD
- frederic.ridouard@ensma.fr
- +33 5 49 49 83 39
Administrative Services
Administrative Manager (ENSIP)
- Marlène MARTIN
- marlene.martin@univ-poitiers.fr
- +33 5 49 45 35 09
Administrative Manager (ISAE-ENSMA)
- Bénédicte BOINOT
- secretariat-lias@ensma.fr
- +33 5 49 49 80 63
Information Technology Services
Software Platforms, Web Information Systems coordinator
- Mickaël BARON
- baron@ensma.fr
- +33 5 49 49 80 73
Hybrid Test bench coordinator (ENSIP)
- Patrick COIRAULT
- coirault@ensma.fr
- +33 5 49 45 35 10