Guillaume PHAVORIN
- PhD student
- Real time
- ENSIP - University of Poitiers
- guillaume.phavorin@ensma.fr
- +33 (0)549498066
Lecture Activity
1st year of student-engineer curriculum:
- practical exercises as part of the Introduction to Embedded Systems course: introduction to LabVIEW and C programming, multitasking cross-programming for LEGO NXT robots
- pratical exercises as part of the Embedded Systems course: multitasking programming using LabVIEW
- pratical exercises as part of the Automatic Control course: introduction to MATLAB programming using the Control System toolbox, identification and study of the behaviour of control loops using Nichols and Nyquist plots
Research Activity
Ph.D. thesis on Cache-Related Preemption Delay-aware real-time scheduling.
Research interests:
- real-time and embedded systems
- hard real-time scheduling
- cache memories