Lecture Activity
- body of a ADA program (example),
- data's type in ADA,
- data object in ADA,
- functions, procedures, package and modules in ADA,
- using of graphical package in ADA : JEWL.
Research Activity
My research work is about cooperation between user and data management system. The recent generation of data models as knowledge base, graph data, ontology and semantic data has the capability to update data but not only, they can upgrade data’s structure or model. Then, as this capability is an advantage for flexibility of the data management, it can be a disadvantage for querying since it make queries obsoletes and increase the probability for a query to return an empty answers set.
My work wants to propose a solution for query with empty answers set in semantic data environment. First, we will propose a relaxation process and operators which will include the finding of real causes of failing and uses graph approximation for relaxing semantic queries, particularly SPARQL query. Second, we will personalize the relaxation process for a particular user. For making this, we will model the profile of users which will contain all the preferences of these users. With that profile, will be able to compute the distance between queries and profile in one hand and in others hand we will compute distance between relaxed answers and profile. All these process, concepts, techniques will be implement in a framework for allowing all persons to describe its own relaxation process with its own measures, own operators. This framework allows users to personalize relaxation process and make its conception easy.
The main applications of my research work are in semantic web as E-commerce and social network. And also in a company, the relaxation process can be use suggesting answers to a user and reduce the interaction with the data management system. This reduction of interaction, allows user to increase its productivity.