Antoine Bertout

A picture of me
©Inria / Photo G .Scagnelli

Short bio

I am currently Associate Professor in computer science at the University of Poitiers, France. I teach at the ENSIP engineer school and I am doing my research in the real-time team of the LIAS laboratory.

I was a postdoctoral researcher at Inria Paris (2016-2017) in the AOSTE team. I worked on the probabilistic analysis of real-time systems.

I was a PhD student in Computer Science (2012-2015) within the Emeraude team at the CRIStAL laboratory , University of Lille (at that time Lille1), France. My thesis was supervised by Julien Forget and Richard Olejnik.

I received my MSc degree in Computer Science from the University of Lille1, France, in 2012.

Besides my professional occupation, and beyond computer science, I practiced fencing (épée) for approximatively 20 years and I was national referee. Swimming and running conclude the list of my main sport activities.


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ORCID: 0000-0001-7590-7342
PGP public key

ISAE-ENSMA, 1 avenue Clément Ader, BP 40109
86961 Chasseneuil, France

ENSIP - Université de Poitiers
Bâtiment B1, 1 rue Marcel Doré, TSA 41105
86073 Poitiers Cedex 9, France